→ In the days to come, men will forget their purpose on earth. As Paul explained in Romans
chapter one, men will reject the obvious truth of God's existence and will instead create their
own purpose for life.
Man will not strive to know his creator and will reject that he has any obligation to the God who created him. In rejecting obligation to God, he also rejects that he has been separated from God.
Lacking a transcendent purpose for life, man will do according to his own desires. Many will become corrupt and manipulate others. In an attempt to have purpose, they will have forms of religion and maybe even claim to worship God. However, it will only be a religion constructed by their own desires. They will reject the Word of God by twisting it and rewriting it; if they don't throw it out entirely.
should not live for his own self exaltation but for the purpose of exalting his creator.
→ “But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity,
Timothy has been taught and fully understands Paul's doctrine (didaskalia). Paul doctrine contains the teachings of the mystery Gospel, God's working with Israel, the rapture, and the tribulation to come. Many Bible students and church goers do not fully understand Paul's doctrine. Those who misunderstand Paul fall into Calvinism, amillennialism, and replacement theology.
siah. To both Jews and Gentiles, Paul proclaimed Christ as the savior who brought about reconciliation between God and man. Through him, God is offering the gift of grace. In every way Paul lived his life, he used it as an opportunity to make Christ known.
“...faith…" Paul's faith was his motivation. What a man believes has a great impact in how he lives. Man may not always live up to his beliefs, but his convictions ultimately have a great impact on his life.
“...longsuffering…" Paul took the hard road when he began preaching Christ. Along with the other apostles, they became outcasts to many of the Jewish religious leaders. Furthermore, Rome did not appreciate all of the conflict that the apostles stirred up. Many choose to live a purpose that leads to an easy life that does not place them at odds with others. However, Paul lived a purpose that directly led to conflict.
“...charity,patience…" Paul's charity (agape) was the result of his faith. Paul understood the rich blessings of Christ and possessed a great compassion toward his fellowman for them to also come to know the riches of Christ ((Eph. 1:15-19). Understanding God's great gift of mercy allows us to be more compassionate towards one another. Those who reject the grace given to us by God do not have reason to offer grace toward others. Paul's patience (hypomone) was a hopeful endurance that allowed him to suffer persecution because he knew a great prize awaited him.
I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me."
“...at Antioch, at Iconium, and Lystra…" Paul was stoned in Antioch and left for dead by Jews from Antioch and Iconium. Lystry lied just south of Iconium. Paul experienced great persecution that region. (Acts 14:9). No true purpose exists outside of God. Any purpose lived without God is short lived and ultimately pointless. If someone lives their life with true purpose, in Christ, they may very well have experiences similar to Paul in which they rubbed people the wrong way.
e promised by God to be protected from all afflictions.
“the last days". Therefore, from the text, he is strongly referring to the tribulation and the days leading up to it. The phrase “that will" is in the future tense. Certainly, in the last days all that will live Godly in Christ shall suffer.
→ “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived."
n it. It carries a sense of these men increasing in number and power. Certainly these men will deceive and seduce their way to political power.
whom thou hast learned them;"
Paul has not offered very encouraging words for Timothy. However Paul's advice to him is simple, keep the faith.“hold fast the form of sound words". Paul orders him to adhere to healthy, uncorrupted teaching. Timothy has committed great effort to learning scripture and sound doctrine.
salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus."
If the Gospel of Grace was a mystery, not known to man, how can the holy scriptures make Timothy wise unto salvation through faith? However, Paul's first epistles were written sometime around 48-50 AD. Paul's last letter to Timothy was written sometime around 65 AD. Galatians and First Thessalonians are often considered some of his earliest writings. Therefore, Timothy could have read them at a young age. With that being said, the Old Testament can be used to defend Jesus as Christ.
for instruction in righteousness:"
“..inspiration of God" (theopneustos) describes the divine breathing of God creating scripture. It is useful for proving and providing evidence, correcting so one can be rectified, and instruction for righteousness. If it is God's inspired word, we cannot allow man to create doubt towards it!
“...perfect…" (artios) the man will be complete, not lacking purpose. His is fully equipped to live a meaningful life.