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by Mark Baze Ministries Sunday, Feb 23, 2025

The Last Days

Session 27

The War and the Woman

Chapter 12 - The War in Heaven

After the woman was carried away into the wilderness, John recorded a war in heaven. Michael and his angels will fight against the dragon and his angels. Michael was one of the angels that was mentioned by Daniel the prophet. He helped deliver the messenger to Daniel by fighting against the prince of Persia. This battle seems to be taking place around the same time as the woman fleeing into the wilderness. If so, this occurs at the halfway point in the tribulation.

This information may allow us to place a more exact timeline on these events and get a better idea as to when the Antichrist will truly arrive. While some of this will have to be speculation, there is enough detail to make a pretty good theory. While the dragon will attempt to take the throne of God, his attack ultimately fails. In verse 8, the dragon will not prevail in heaven and be cast down. Verse 9 makes it clear that this dragon is in fact Satan himself. He and his angels will then turn their focus to the earth.

Chapter 12 - The Time is Short

With Satan’s defeat in heaven, a loud voice cried praise and victory for God. The words used suggest victory in the moment, but the tribulation is not yet over. It is best to understand these words as Satan’s fate being sealed, along with all those who follow him. Because he lost the battle in heaven, he can only wreak havoc upon the earth.

In verse 11, the voice described those who have overcome Satan by the blood of the lamb. They have not loved their lives unto death. This echoes the words of Jesus when he said, “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.” These would be the martyrs who have been slain for the testimony of Jesus.

According to verse 12, Satan would go out to bring his wrath upon the earth. He knows that he only has a short time until Christ returns. The only thing he can do now is seek to destroy the people of Israel. Therefore, he sought to persecute the woman.

Chapter 12 - The Woman’s Flight

The woman was given wings so that she could flee into the wilderness. This paints the picture of a miraculous escape. The place in the wilderness was prepared for her and she would be nourished. Much of the language mirrors God’s provision for Israel during the 40 years in the wilderness. They will be kept, fed, and live out the remainder of the tribulation in the wilderness.

According to verse 14, the woman will be nourished for a times, time, and half a time. The Greek word for time is καιρός. It is not a defined measurement of time, but corresponds to a given season or length of time. The information provided earlier in the chapter with 1,260 days and the previous reference to forty and two months, combine to give us good reason to understand this as three and a half years. “Times” corresponds to two years, “time” corresponds to one year, and “half a time” corresponds to half a year. This is likely the same half in which the two olive trees will prophesy, being the last half of the tribulation.

Verse 15 describes a flood that comes from the mouth of the serpent. This language could be figurative, as we will go on to see that references to water and sea can take on a symbolic meaning. Perhaps this is an army sent to destroy the woman. However, the earth will open up and swallow the flood. Once again, with some foreshadowing found in Exodus, one might envision the swallowing of Korah and his followers. This is mere speculation.

Revelation 13:1 - Connecting the Dots

In the very beginning of chapter 13, John sees the beast rise out of the sea. This beast will be revealed to be the Antichrist. However, it is intriguing that it is only in chapter 13 when the beast finally arrives on the scene. There has been the rider on the white horse who has gone forth to conquer. Yet, it would seem that it is only once Satan is cast down that the beast makes his appearance. Furthermore, Revelation 11:7 testifies that the two witnesses will be slain by the beast which shall come out of the bottomless pit.

According to Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-7, he explained that the son of perdition was being withheld until he that letteth will be taken out of the way. In other words, the son of perdition is being detained until the day he is to be released. 1 Peter 3:19-20 spoke of the spirits in prison who were disobedient in the days of Noah. What if the spirit of the Antichrist is being detained in the bottomless pit? Then, in Revelation 9:1, a star falls from heaven. Could this star be Satan? Then, he opens the bottomless pit, not only releasing the army but also the beast? Furthermore, what if this rider on the white horse is a world leader who will be possessed by the Antichrist once he is released? After all, Satan entered into Judas the night he betrayed Christ.

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