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by Mark Baze Ministries Sunday, Feb 23, 2025

VV.1-2 - Paul Presents the Dispensation of Grace
Previously in chapters one and two, Paul had written of the salvation in Christ. In Eph. 1:13 and 2:8, he explained the gospel of grace to the Ephesians. Clearly many had already received it, but there were some in the congregation who may not have understood when and how this gospel of grace was instituted. The gospel that Paul preached came when God gave him the dispensation of grace.
The word dispensation is translated from the Greek word oikonomia. This word means house rules. God, who has authority over all creation, has set in place different rules and guidelines throughout the history of the earth.
The first dispensation, Innocence, had only one rule. Adam and Eve were instructed not to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. This was their only requirement to be in right standing with God.
The second dispensation, Conscience, held humanity accountable for their actions and required they keep God’s moral law. This law was much more basic than the Mosaic Law. Genesis 4:3-7 records God’s instruction to Cain concerning sin and living morally.
The third dispensation, Governance, gave man the responsibility to carry out justice on the earth. God established this dispensation after the flood in Genesis 9:6.
Then, God established the dispensation of Promise to Abraham in Genesis 12:1-3. At this time, God would bless Abraham as well as those who blessed Abraham. This promise included that Abraham would be the father of God’s chosen nation.
In Exodus 19:5, God offered the dispensation of the Law to the nation of Israel. If they would be obedient, God would bless them and make them a great nation. From this point on, God delivered them into their promised land. Through the prophets he revealed that one day a king would come from the line of David and reign on the throne. This king would be God himself and Israel would be a light to the world.
Now, Paul was stating that God had now put in place a dispensation of Grace.

VV.3-4 - God’s Revelation of the Mystery to Paul
Paul was announcing this new dispensation and that it was previously a mystery. This mystery was given to Paul by direct revelation from God. Paul described receiving this revelation in Galatians 1:11-12. He stated he had written of this mystery “afore in few words”. It is this pastor’s position that he was referring to chapters one and two of Ephesians. This makes perfect sense considering Paul had just written Eph. 2:8-9. Then, at the close of verse four, he emphasized his knowledge in the mystery of Christ.

V.5 - The Mystery Now Revealed
This mystery Paul spoke of was exactly that, a mystery. Paul did not say it was only a mystery to him or a mystery to some. Instead, Paul explained this mystery was unknown from previous ages. The sons of men did not know about it. However, it has now been revealed to his apostles and prophets by the Spirit. Paul used similar words in Colossians 1:25-26.
At this point, Paul has to be one of two things. He is either an arrogant narcissist because he keeps referring to his dispensation that was not known about in previous generations; even though people did. Or, he is being very literal in his words and he received a new dispensation that was not known in previous generations.
So what exactly is this mystery that Paul received?

V.6 - The Mystery of Christ
The Greek word for “Gentiles” is ethnos. It is a word that refers to nations. The Mystery of Christ is that now Gentiles, the nations, could be partakers of the blessings of Christ. This was not by the previous dispensation of the Law. In previous ages, if a person wanted to be in right standing with God, he or she had to become a Jew. Now, anyone has access to God through faith according to verses 14 through 17.
Some may say this wasn’t a mystery because God told Abraham all the nations of the world would be blessed through him. However, Abraham didn’t know that it would be by grace through faith, outside of the Abrahamic Covenant. In Romans 4:3, Paul defended salvation by grace through faith by reminding them that God valued the faith of Abraham. Now, the mystery was revealed that God was justifying men by faith alone.

This Mystery of Christ is the greatest blessing to us living today. This dispensation of grace is the greatest gift God has offered unto man at this time. This knowledge unlocks the challenges of reading the Bible. This mystery of the dispensation of grace frees us from legalism, falling from grace, and so much more. The best part is, it is all by faith in the completed work of Christ.

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