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by Randy White Ministries Sunday, Feb 2, 2025

A download to the notes is available here: https://humble-sidecar-837.notion.site/Handouts-Is-It-So-13ab35a87d638041bd5feea8d5f17727?pvs=4

Session 12: The Sealing of the Spirit

Is It So? Reconsidering The Ministry of the Spirit by Dr. Randy White

I. Introduction

If you have read this far, you have seen how much of the Holy Spirit’s work in Scripture was directed toward Israel—His guidance of the prophets, His empowerment of the judges and kings, the baptism and spiritual gifts. With each of these, it has become clear that they belonged to a different program, leaving an important question: What belongs to me?

For those who have trusted in Christ in this present age, Paul reveals a unique and personal work of the Spirit: the sealing. This is not a continuation of Israel’s signs and wonders, nor is it a temporary manifestation that can be gained or lost. The sealing of the Holy Spirit is a distinct operation reserved for the Body of Christ, securing the believer until the day of redemption.

This chapter will explore what it means to be sealed, when it happens, and why it is an unbreakable guarantee of our future glorification. If you have wondered what the Holy Spirit is doing for you, apart from Israel’s promises and program, this chapter will provide the answer.

II. The Sealing of the Holy Spirit

A. What It Is And Where We Find It

1. Definition of Sealing
  • The Greek term sphragizō means "to seal, to mark, to authenticate."

  • A seal signifies security and future fulfillment, akin to sealing an envelope for an intended recipient.

2. Biblical Examples of Sealing
  • Matthew 27:66: The tomb of Jesus was sealed but later opened.

  • Revelation 20:3: Satan is sealed in the bottomless pit, awaiting future judgment.

  • These examples show that only the rightful authority can break the seal.

3. Sealing in the Church Age
  • Ephesians 1:13: "After that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise."

  • Ephesians 4:30: "Ye are sealed unto the day of redemption."

  • 2 Corinthians 1:22: "Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit."

  • The sealing is a guarantee of our future transformation at the appointed time.

4. A Distinctive Church-Age Doctrine
  • The Old Testament does not describe believers being permanently sealed.

  • In Psalm 51:11, David pleads, "Take not thy Holy Spirit from me," showing the Spirit's presence was not guaranteed.

  • Early Acts believers experienced powerful workings of the Spirit, but no mention of sealing appears.

  • The doctrine of sealing is unique to Paul's epistles, revealing a mystery truth for the Body of Christ.

III. Implications of the Sealing

A. Our Everlasting Security

1. God Alone Can Break the Seal
  • Philippians 1:6: "He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ."

  • Nothing can undo what God has accomplished through sealing.

2. The Assurance of Eternal Salvation
  • The believer stands secure, knowing the Holy Spirit's seal remains until glorification.

B. Our Confidence in Daily Living

1. A Steady Hope in Trials
  • The seal reminds us that no hardship can alter our eternal destiny.

  • Our security in Christ is not based on emotions or circumstances but on God's promise.

C. Our Motivation to Walk Worthy

1. Living in Light of Our Sealing
  • Ephesians 4:30: "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed."

  • The sealing is not a license to sin but a call to holy living.

  • Our obedience flows from gratitude, not fear.

D. Our Distinct Identity as the Body of Christ

1. A Unique Church-Age Doctrine
  • The sealing distinguishes the Body of Christ from previous dispensations.

  • It highlights our position as a new creation in Christ, separate from Israel's promises.

E. Our Obligation to Rightly Divide the Word

1. Recognizing Dispensational Differences
  • 2 Timothy 2:15: "Rightly dividing the word of truth."

  • Israel's promises and signs should not be confused with the Church's spiritual inheritance.

  • The sealing doctrine clarifies God's specific work in this present age.

F. Our Hope for Future Fulfillment

1. The Day of Redemption is Coming
  • The seal points to a future transformation at the resurrection or rapture.

  • Our trials today are temporary, as we await the completion of our salvation.

  • Romans 8:23: "We ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body."

IV. Conclusion

1. The sealing of the Spirit is a guarantee of our future glorification, ensuring our security in Christ.
2. Unlike Israel's program, where the Spirit could depart, the Body of Christ is permanently sealed until the day of redemption.
3. This doctrine gives us confidence, motivation for holy living, and an unshakable hope in the promises of God.
4. As sealed believers, we stand in God's unbreakable promise, assured that He who has begun a good work in us will bring it to completion.

The doctrine of sealing transforms how we view salvation, trials, and our eternal future. It is not merely a theological concept but a living hope that shapes our walk with the Lord.

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