
Watch On Biblify

by Randy White Ministries Sunday, Mar 20, 2022

****Philippians, Rightly Divided, Verse-by-Verse

Session 4 | Phillippians 1:9-18

Philippians 1:9-11 | Paul's Prayer

Verse 9 -- Blue
Concerning the Rightly Divided coloring. I have chosen blue because Paul is speaking about the Philippians, with whom he has a fellowship in the gospel (v. 5) of grace (see note, v. 5). We too are in fellowship with Paul in this Gospel. The previous verses are black or green because the subject matter is contextually related to the Philippians alone, while this verse and those following could be said of all who walk in fellowship with Pauline truth.
Paul desired that our love may abound yet more and more. An abundant and growing love should be characteristic of people who claim to be grace believers. But that love should be in knowledge and in all judgment*. Biblical love is not ignorant,* nor* *does it lack discernment.
Verse 10 -- Blue
The reason Paul wants this knowledgeable and discerning love to abound is so that ye may approve things that are excellent. He does not explain what these are, but surely those with such love would be able to figure it out. Such ability to approve causes one to be sincere and without offence, which is a condition Paul would desire of us till the day of Christ.
As noted in verse 6, the day of Jesus Christ begins with the tribulation. As in verse 6, the wording is an argument for pre-tribulational pre-millennialism. After the day of Christ“in the day" or “throughout the day" he certainly could have done so. Compare 1 John 4:17, which is a passage to Israel rather than to the church (as here).
Verse 11 -- Blue
Paul's prayer for the Philippians (in whose place we spiritually stand) is that they would be filled with the fruits of righteousness. While he does not give specifics what these fruits are, he says they are by Jesus Christ and unto the glory and praise of God.
Paul also speaks about such fruit in 2 Corinthians 9:10, and on several occasions speaks of fruit in generic terms outside of the topic of righteousness (Rom. 6:22, 15:28, Gal. 5:22-23, Eph 5:9, Col. 1:6, 10, Heb. 12:11).
Paul clearly speaks in metaphor, fruit being spoken of as the results of righteousness. He says that these fruits are by Jesus Christ, using the Greek διά [dia], which carries the idea of through. Our righteousness and the fruit thereof is by Jesus Christ and to the glory and praise of God. Thus, we do not produce fruits of righteousness by ourselves for our own benefit.

Philippians 1:12-14 | Paul's Suffering

Verse 12 -- Black
The Bible is filled with accounts of bad things that had good results. Paul's sufferings can be added to this list. The things which happened are doubtless not only his imprisonment, but also his widespread suffering (2 Cor. 11:25-27). These things which happened caused the furtherance of the gospel.
It is possible that the modern church is far too fearful of the things of persecution than we should be. Often these things strengthen the body and give furtherance to the Gospel.
Verse 13 -- Black
Paul narrows the things which happened to my bonds in Christ. As a result, both in the palace, and in all other places the work of Paul became manifest.
I have contended in the past, and continue to believe, that at the time of the close of his ministry, Paul was the most famous man in all the earth. His work had turned the world upside down (Acts 17:6). The bonds in Christ only helped this cause.
Verse 14 -- Black
When Paul speaks of the brethren in the Lord he is likely referring simply to people in the body of Christ but could be referring to Jewish saints (Jews believing that Jesus is the Messiah, thus members of the sect of the Nazarenes (Acts 24:5)). After all, Paul was imprisoned by Jews and falsely accused by them of the perversion of Judaism. This same charge was give to any Jew who would recognize Jesus as their Christ. However, during the same time a Gentile proclaiming Jesus as His Savior could have been equally persecuted by society and Roman government.

Philippians 1:15-18 | Christ Proclaimed Out Of Bad Motives

Verse 15- Green
Anytime there is fame, there will be those who seek to do good things with wrong motives. Compare Acts 8:18-25. Because of Paul's fame (see note, v. 13), there was evidently some who indeed preach Christ but out of the wrong motives. Even at this, some also out of good will.
Verses 16-17 -- Green
Paul must have had specific men in mind, but he does not give details.
Verse 18 - Green
Paul's chief concern is not the preacher's attitude toward him personally, but rather that Christ is preached. In Philippians 3:18 Paul speaks about the enemies of the cross, and in numerous occasions in his letters he speaks about false teachers and false doctrine. Therefore, we must conclude that the only issue here is the motive and not the content. The pretence is secondary. In other situations, we can speculate that Paul might have something more to say about this, but here he simply ignores bad pretence. (Note: modern American English uses a different spelling (pretense), but it is the same word).

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