
Watch On Biblify

by Randy White Ministries Sunday, Jan 1, 2023

The Bible In One Sermon (2023 Edition) | Randy White

The Pre-Jewish Portion

  • Creation – Genesis 1-2: a time of bliss

  • Fall – Genesis 3: separated from God

  • Pre-Flood – Genesis 4-6: God deals with humanity as a whole

  • Post-Flood – Genesis 7-11: God deals with humanity through punishment

The Jewish Portion Before the Jewish Nation

  • Abraham – Genesis 12-23

  • Isaac – Genesis 24-26

  • Jacob – Genesis 27-36

  • Twelve sons – Genesis 37-50

  • Egypt – Exodus 1:1-12:41

The National Portion: Israel As a Nation

  • The Theocracy –

    • Moses – Exodus -Numbers

    • Joshua – Joshua 1-24

    • Judges – Judges 1- 1 Samuel 7

  • The United Monarchy –

    • Saul – 1 Sam. 8:1-31:13

    • David – 2 Samuel 1:1-1 Kings 2:11

    • Solomon – 1 Kings 2:12-11:43

  • The Divided Kingdom –

    • The Pauline epistles are the only place in the Bible where an exclusive grace-message is taught.

    • Our salvation and our doctrine of Christian living are written in these books.

    • Because Paul was Jewish and to the Jews became a Jew, we also read about kingdom matters in Paul’s epistles. We separate these matters from our own requirements.

  • The so-called “General Epistles” (non-Pauline epistles) are written to Israel and concern Kingdom matters and should not be applied directly to the Body of Christ.

The Prophetic Fulfillment Period

  • The book of Revelation shows the fulfillment of all prophecies, in Christ the Messiah.

  • The establishment of the Kingdom restores God’s intent for Israel under a theocracy.

    • The Kingdom of Israel – 1 Kings 12 – 2 Kings, Hosea, Amos, Micah

    • The Kingdom of Judah – 1 Kings 12 – 2 Kings, Prophets, Daniel.

    The Intertestamental Period

  • Though not covered in Scripture, the events are foretold in the book of Daniel.

    • In this time, governance of Israel goes from the Persians to the Greeks to the Maccabees to the Romans.

    • Much of the Judaism in the New Testament is impacted by this period.

    The King and Kingdom Period

    • The birth of the Messiah and His childhood

    • The King Presented – Gospels

    • The King Rejected – Gospels

    • The Kingdom Offered – Acts 1-8

      • Acts 9-28 contain offers of the Kingdom while God is also dealing with the nations in non-Kingdom matters.

      • The Pauline epistles are written during this time.

      • The book of Acts records a period of Jewish believers (Acts 1-8) from approx.. A.D. 33-44. This is the last time God dealt directly and exclusively with the Jewish nation.

      • Acts 9-28 includes the church-age assemblies.

        • The Jewish assemblies under Peter

        • The Gentile assemblies under Paul

        The Grace Period

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