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by Randy White Ministries Sunday, Sep 25, 2022

Taos Prophecy Conference 2022

Session 6 | The Gap Theory

The Gap Theory: Who Holds It

  • The Gap Theory was held strongly by dispensational teachers like E.W. Bullinger and C.I. Scofield and taught through their reference Bibles.

  • The theory was displayed in Clarence Larkin's book, Dispensational Truth.

  • One hundred years ago, virtually all dispensationalists would have subscribed to this theory.

The Gap Theory, In Positive Light

  • “The first creative act refers to the dateless past, and gives scope for all the geologic ages."

  • If Genesis 1:2 is compared to Scripture, a strong case can be built which says that the earth became formless and void and had not previously been in such a state.

  • Jeremiah 4:23-26 --

    • What is Jeremiah looking at? Both the earth and the heavens (v. 23).

    • What condition does he find them in? The earth was without form, and void. The heavens had no light.

    • How did this happen? T was a wilderness, and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the LORD, and by his fierce anger (v. 26).

    • These verses sound like God sent a judgment upon the earth that brought about a formless, and void (v. 26) state, in which there was no light (v. 26).

  • Isaiah 24:1 -- This verse makes a strong case that the way the earth became formless and void (Gen. 1:2) was that the Lord made it that way in His anger.

  • Isaiah 45:18 tells us that the Genesis 1:1 state is not the way the Lord intended the earth to be.

  • 2 Peter 3:5-7 speaks of last days scoffers who are willfully ignorant (v. 5).

    • The verses speak of the heavens and earth of old (v. 5), and of the world that then was (v. 6).

    • But then the verses speak of the heavens and the earth, which are now (v. 6), giving the understanding of an old earth and a new earth.

  • These passages interpret Genesis 1:1-2 to show a gap that is between these verses.

The Gap Theory, Critiqued And Rejected

The Theory Critiqued Biblically
  • The context of Jeremiah 4:23-26 is not the creation and recreation of the earth, but rather a prophetic word against Judah.

    • Verse 22 explains the context: My people is foolish

    • Verse 27 confirms the context, and helps us understand that which is in consideration, namely the whole land of Judah. Note that land in v. 27 is the same word as earth in 23.

  • The context of Isaiah 24:1 also calls into question whether the passage can be used to explain the creation account.

    • Verse 3 explains the context, speaking of the land of Israel.

    • In context, the words scattereth abroad mean exactly what they say. In the Gap theory, one must make them mean more than they say.

  • Isaiah 45:18 -- only tells us that Genesis 1:2 is not the final state, which the reader of Genesis would clearly understand. The verse aligns with a six-day view as much as a Gap view.

  • 2 Peter 3:5-7 can be taken to refer to the pre-flood earth as the world that then was (2 Pet. 3:6).

  • In the final analysis, the exegetical argument for the Gap theory is weak.

The Theory Critiqued Scientifically
  • “energized universe" theory that we have been discussing this weekend falls apart with the Gap Theory because our theory is built upon God's creation of unenergized elements and then moving on them, and starting the energetic process.

  • The “accommodation problem.“old age" scientific theories.

    • Scofield's n“The sense is, made to appear; made visible. The sun and moon were created“in the beginning." The “light" of course came from the sun, but the vapour diffused the light. Later the sun appeared in an unclouded sky."

    • While the Gap Theory predates Darwin, we should note that the Darwinian Theory also predates Darwin!

    The Theory Critiqued Theologically
  • The biggest challenge to the theory comes from Genesis 1:31.

    • Can the creation be very good if it is built upon the ruins of an ancient civilization that was damned in judgment? And can it be very good if the serpent is slithering in the grass?

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