
Watch On Biblify

by Mark Baze Ministries Sunday, Mar 19, 2023

VV.26-30 - “The Last Supper”
In verse 26, Jesus is in the upper room with the disciples. Judas is possibly still with them at this time because Jesus has not yet shared the bread. Jesus then blessed and broke the bread. Luke 22:19 records that Jesus affirms this bread represents his body. Many times Jesus had foretold of his death and resurrection. However, the disciples were still not understanding. Perhaps this supper was to serve as a final illustration. In verses 27 and 28, Jesus reveals that he will be the sacrificial lamb to forgive the sins of Israel. This calls to mind the words of John the Baptist in John 1:29. It also calls to mind the spreading of lambs’ blood over the doorposts of Israel to save them from the Lord’s righteous wrath.
Furthermore, in verse 28, Jesus explains the shedding of his blood marks the beginning of a New Testament. The Greek words are kainos diathēkē. This is the main reason that Jerome broke the Bible up into two categories: Old and New Testament. The same word for testament is the same word for covenant. Jesus was giving a new promise to the nation of Israel. Although they had failed to keep the Law, he would be sacrificed for their sins so they could repent and receive the kingdom. Some pastors and theologians are quick to insert our salvation today into the passage. However, Jesus uses the language “remission of sins”. The word means forgiveness and is a very Old Testament type word. The words Paul often used to describe our salvation is not so much focused on forgiveness, but God actually putting away sin and not counting those tresspasses against us. Remember that Christ has not yet been crucified or resurrected. Some promises still need to be fulfilled for our salvation to be established.
Verse 29 explains that Christ will not eat or drink with the disciples until the kingdom comes. This tells of his physical and future return. It also tells us that we will still get to enjoy eating in our resurrected bodies! In verse 30, they sang a hymn. However, we don’t know what they sang. It was possibly one of the Psalms. Psalms 113-118 are traditionally sung by Jews at Passover, note Psalm 118:22.

VV.31-35 - “Peter’s Denial Foretold”
In verse 31, Jesus foretells of his arrest and the disciples fleeing in fear. This is the fulfillment of Zechariah 13:7, a Messianic and kingdom prophecy. It is in the very next chapter that Christ returns. In verse 32, once again Jesus assures them he will rise again and meet them in Galilee. Even with all the assurance from Jesus, the disciples still flee in fear when the time comes.
However, in verse 33, Peter speaks boldly and makes a promise he will fail to keep. He very well may have believed he wouldn’t betray Jesus, but when the time came he failed. Jesus affirms this in verse 34. It is a tragic scene, especially knowing Jesus’s prayers in the garden are soon to come. One can only imagine the pain Christ feels, knowing his closest friends will soon leave him. The pain most likely increased all the more when Peter doubled down and swore he would never leave him, along with the rest of the disciples.

VV.36-46- “The Garden of Gethsemane”
In verse 36, Jesus and the disciples arrive in Gethsemane. The meaning of the name means “oil press” and is at the foot of the Mount of Olives. The exact location is debated. However, it was located on the mountain with the Kidron valley between it and Jerusalem. The name comes from the Aramaic words gath and shemen. This event recalls Isaiah 63:1-2, which is a vision of the coming of the Messiah. In verse 37, Jesus takes along Peter, James, and John and he begins to express his sorrow. Both of these words convey that Jesus was in a state of distress. One can only imagine the stress he was under.
Verse 38 records Jesus describing himself as “exceeding sorrowful” which in the Greek is perilypos. This is where we get the word “peril”. Jesus’s danger and death was near. Jesus also uses the words “unto death”, which is perilypos heōs thanatos. This could mean his sorrow is great; he feels it will kill him. It also could mean he will feel this sorrow until his death. Jesus then asks them to watch, which can also be interpreted as “stay awake”.
In verse 39, Jesus prays to God the Father. This verse perhaps displays the humanity of Jesus more than any other. He makes the request for God to have some other way. (This is a question we sometimes ask, “Why couldn’t God do it another way?”) However, this was the will of the Lord. He had preordained it. 1 Corinthians 13:12 describes our current understanding. Because it was God’s will, Jesus was able to pray the prayer “nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.” This was why Jesus was able to be the sacrifice for sins, he could do what no one else could.
In verse 40 and 41, Jesus found his three disciples asleep. One can only imagine how lonely Christ felt at this time. He had told them time and again what was going to happen to him. Yet, they couldn’t even stay awake with him. Jesus then warned them although their spirits were willing to be obedient, their flesh would fail them if they didn’t control it.
Verses 42 through 44 record Jesus repeated his same prayer only to find the disciples sleeping once again. Jesus then repeated the prayer for a third time, showing his resolve and determination to fulfill the will of God. Numbers in the Bible are often significant. The ark had three stories, on the third day Abraham and Isaac reached the mountain, it was the third month that Israel reached Sinai, on the third day the Lord appeared on Sinai. Jesus rose on the third day.
Verses 45 and 46 find Jesus waking the disciples and preparing for his betrayal. The time had finally come, the Son of Man would be glorified. Jesus’ words “sleep on now” and “take your rest” once again refers to the disciples' failure to remain awake and in prayer. At this point, they might as well remain asleep. However, the time had come for Jesus’ arrest.

VV.47-56 - “Jesus is Betrayed”
Verses 47 through 49 record Judas’ betrayal. With John’s insight into Satan’s possession of Judas, this scene becomes all the more tragic. Satan, the morning star created by God, turned his back on his creator and handed him over to be murdered. In verse 50, they place Jesus under arrest. However, this was not outside his control. Jesus allowed his arrest in accordance with the will of God. His question to Judas, “Friend, wherefore art thou come?” really gets to the heart of Satan’s motives. What did he think he could accomplish? Christ will have the victory.
In verse 51, from John’s Gospel we know that Peter drew a sword and cut off the servant, Malchus, ear. Once again, Peter still refuses to accept the words of Jesus. While his actions were brave, they were misguided and shortsighted. Jesus’ response in verse 52 revealed that Peter could not hope to save Jesus or Israel by using a sword. He would have to trust his Messiah. Context is key, this verse should not be used to argue pacifism.
In verses 53 through 55, Jesus revealed that all of this was done to fulfill the prophecies. At any moment he could have delivered himself. However, the will of the Father must be done and Christ was going to be obedient, even unto death. John’s gospel described numbers of times in which they attempted to get Jesus but failed. The only reason they succeeded this time was because God ordained it.
In verse 56, just as Jesus prophesied, they arrested him. When they did so, the disciples lost courage and fled.

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