The Doctrine of Bible-Based Self-Discovered Knowledge

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by Randy White Ministries Sunday, Nov 28, 2021

Doctrines That Bring Gratitude | Dr. Randy White

The Doctrine of Bible-Based Self-Discovered Knowledge

One of Mankind's Biggest Problems is parroting

  • The human mind is almost predisposed to believe what it has heard before.

  • One of the most difficult challenges is to break free from what you have heard from others (especially heard often).

  • Here are a few commonly held myths:

    • Humans only use 10% of their brains.

    • You can see the Great Wall of China from the moon.

    • It takes seven years to digest chewing gum.

    • Goldfish have three-second memories.

    • Ostriches bury their heads in the sand.

    • Sugar makes kids hyper.

    “Soul-Compentency" | Philippians 2:12-13

  • The doctrine of soul competency is largely found in Baptist and other radical, free-church movements.

    • Soul Competency believes that you are competent to do the following, all without the involvement or oversight of a church or Pastor:

      • Discover God

      • Enter relationship with God through the Gospel

      • Make doctrinal conclusions and personal decisions that honor God.

    • E.Y. Mullins: The individual, because he is created in the image of God, is responsible for his moral and religious decisions. He is competent under the leadership of the Holy Spirit to make his own response to God's call in the gospel of Christ, to commune with God, and to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord. With his competence is linked the responsibility to seek the truth and, having found it, to act upon it and to share it with others.

    Some implications of this freedom:

    • Your spiritual condition is not based on the status of your church membership.

      • The Westminster Shorter Catechism“reformed" document) teaches that “The sacraments become effectual means of salvation, not from any virtue in them, or in him that doth administer them; but only by the blessing of Christ, and the working of his Spirit in them that by faith receive them." (Q. 91)

      • “by faith receive them"? One of these “sacraments" is Baptism, and The WSC (Q. 95) states that “Baptism is not to be administered to any that are out of the visible church." This effectively says that *“visible church."*

    • Your personal decisions are not under the authority of an elder or elders.

      • Rather, they are under the authority of the Scripture.

      • “session“the laity."

    • Your doctrinal conclusions are not dictated by any man-made book, council, denomination, or creed.

      • “No creed but the Bible" is a good position.

      • Every group that uses creeds and confessions has ended up loosed from the Scripture.

      How to develop Bible-based self-discovered doctrinal knowledge

  • Work hard at the task of learning the content of the Scriptures. Psalm 119:11.

    • Develop the skill of dividing the Scriptures appropriately. 2 Timothy 2:15.

      • The greatest point of practical division is this: when did the dispensation of the Grace of God begin? See Eph. 3:2.

    • Minimize the importance of learning historical or denominational doctrines.

      • When you know the Scripture, you are able to compare every believe to God's Word rather than to a creedal/denominational position.

    • Develop a systematized doctrine whenever necessary for living the Christian life and answering your worldview questions.

      • Write your own doctrine, confined to the Scriptures, rightly divided.

      • Always be open to question the assumptions on your doctrine.

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