Doctrines That Bring Gratitude
The Perfect and Preserved Word of God
Dr. Randy White
To have a Bible we can count on is one of the greatest of blessings!
The world lives in an endless pursuit of truth, ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth (2 Tim. 3:7).
It has rejected the way, the truth, and the life (Jn. 14:6) and therefore is searching for direction, support, and understanding in all the wrong places.
“science" is trying to figure out its origins while rejecting Genesis 1.
The world of psychology is trying to figure out the identity and characteristics of man while rejecting Genesis 2-3.
“climatologists" is trying to figure out the environment while rejecting Genesis 8:22.
What a blessing Bible-believing Christians have by having a book of answers upon which we can stand sure!
A Fundamental foundation: Verbal Plenary Inspiration
God gave words (verbal) and each of them (plenary) is inspired by God.
“divine inspiration," where God inspired the thoughts of the authors but not the words themselves.
Did God really inspire the words? Would you rather believe He inspired Balaam's donkey? Or Balaam himself? Balaam had inspired words that prophesied the Messiah.
An Example of a word that matters: Luke 13:3
The word likewise is a seemingly inconsequential word.
An adverb -- modifying the noun perish.
“comparative," -- comparing one death with another.
What happens if you change the word?
“too" will perish -- this tells who not how (and we already knew who!
It seems inconsequential, but it causes a logic problem, and it fails to speak to the context.
“standard evangelical answer":“The issue is not when death will happen, or why, but avoiding a terminal fate with even greater consequences. Only repentance will prevent the death that lasts." (Darrell Bock, Luke, Vol. 2, Baker Exegetical Commentary.).
What happens if we read this word literally and read the verse in context?
Luke 12:42-59
Luke 13:1: there were present at that season…
Season = Kairos“a definitely limited portion of time" (Strong's Enhanced Lexicon).
When read literally and in context, verse 3 is a warning about coming destruction.
See Wars of the Jews 5.17, "insomuch that in any persons who came thither with great zeal from the ends of the earth, to offer sacrifices at this celebrated place, which was esteemed holy by all mankind, fell down before their own sacrifices themselves, and sprinkled that altar which was venerable among all men, both Greeks and Barbarians, with their own blood;"
An Example of a Translation That Matters: 1 Cor. 11:10
For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head… KJV
NASB: Therefore the woman ought to have a symbol of authority on her head…
ESV: That is why a wife ought to have a symbol of authority on her head…
…a woman should have a covering over her head…
Nothing in this passage speaks about the need for a woman to have a piece of cloth on her head. She is to have a husband (head) who is under the authority of Christ.
Reading the Bible for Gratitude
Take each passage seriously, in its full scope and context.
Take each word for its real meaning, letting scripture define itself.
Search for doctrinal significance in every word and phrase.