Taos Prophecy Conference | Mysteries of the Pyramid
Session 5 What is Doctrine?
The History of Doctrine
A look at the word
In the English language, the suffixe -ine or -in makes an abstract noun out of a concrete concept.
medicine, caniscanine, terebinturpentine
In English, the word Doctor was originally reserved for theologians. Doctrine“stuff of theologians."
“theology" is the overarching term for the various doctrines upon which the church is based.
The doctrines of theology are typically divided into 10 areas:
Bibliology: the doctrine of the Bible
Theology Proper: the doctrine of God
Christology: the person and work of Christ
Pneumatology: the doctrine of the Holy Spirit
Angelology: the doctrine of angels and demons
Anthropology: the doctrine of man
Hamartiology: the doctrine of sin
Soteriology: the doctrine of salvation
Ecclesiology: the doctrine of the church
Eschatology: the doctrine of last things
Most doctrinal statements cover these areas, and possibly one or two more.
What Makes a Doctrine?
Though theologians have limited doctrine to roughly 10-12 areas, there are literally endless areas of doctrine.
Anything that a Christian believes that is based on the Scripture is a doctrine. While some doctrines are more essential than others, all doctrines are either right or wrong, and the Scripture is the final word on the correctness of a doctrine.
“chapter and verse" to be Biblically correct. Rather, it needs to be rightly deduced from the Word.
The Biblical Teaching on Doctrine
Jesus had a doctrine, the content of which astonished: Mark 11:18
Jesus' doctrine was not His own: John 7:16
The first believers built a fellowship around doctrine: Acts 2:42
Doctrine is a standard for fellowship: Romans 15:17
Doctrine is profitable: 1 Corinthians 14:6
The Bible is the source of doctrine: 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Doctrine is essential in the work of the Pastor: 2 Timothy 4:2-3, Titus 1:7-9 (especially 9).
Doctrine has changed over the dispensations: Hebrews 6:1-2
Some doctrine is wrong: Hebrews 13:9, 2 John 9, Revelation 2:14-15
The Problem with Doctrine in the Church Today
Problem 1: doctrine has been boiled down to purely theological topics.
“secondary" and “tertiary" matters of interest.
Gatherings are no longer based on doctrine.
Even matters of salvation, the function of the pastorate, baptism, and the Lord's Supper have become unimportant.
Problem 3: Pastors are not taught the doctrines of the church nor practical doctrines of the faith, thus they do not teach others.
The Lack of Interest in Doctrine in the Church Today
Sadly, matters of doctrine are considered to be out-of-touch with modern church audiences. Doctrine is something of the Training Union era and no longer needed.
The lack of interest in doctrinal matters has led to the loss of denominational identity, Biblical integrity, and comprehensive Bible knowledge.