Mysteries of the Pyramids
Taos Prophecy Conference 2021
Session 1 -- Introduction
There is no older nor greater monument to the knowledge of ancient man than the pyramids.
“If the half that learned and scientific investigators allege respecting the Great Pyramid of Gizeh be true, it is one of the most interesting objects on earth, and ought to command universal attention. It has been unhesitatingly pronounced, and perhaps it is, "the most important discovery made in our day and generation." -- JA SEISS
There is not a single thing in history that predates them.
Seven wonders of the world --
The Great Pyramid
The Hanging Gardens
The Temple of Artemis
The Statue of Zeus
Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
Colossus of Rhodes
Lighthouse of Alexandria
All pale in comparison
Whatever you name in history was after these pyramids.
Whoever you name in history knew about these pyramids.
Could there be information embedded in the pyramids that predates our science/astronomy/math books and yet shows that those who devised classical science/astronomy/math knew this information?
“Key to the Universe?"
…yet forgotten.
In the 1800s it was a major topic of discussion.
…namely because it confirmed the Bible in many ways.
“I can only state that in those cases where the Pyramid subject has been examined into with a diligent spirit of inquiry, that is with the aim of not merely strengthening preconceived notions or prejudices, but to evolve absolute realities, I have not yet met any one but who is more or less convinced by the modern theory." -St. John Vincent Day, Papers on the Great Pyramid
“The Prehistoric Use of Iron and Steel…before the iron age.
Why is so much of this knowledge unknown to anyone in the church today?
Could it be because THEY WANT IT TO BE?
Recall that in the 19th century, books were expensive and rare, AND CONTROLLED BY ACADEMIA.
It was therefore not a monumental task to remove these books from public view, thus eventually public knowledge and awareness.
"Every student who enters upon a scientific pursuit, especially if at a somewhat advanced period of life, will find not only that he has much to learn, but much also to unlearn. As a first preparation, therefore, for the course he is about to commence, he must loosen his hold on all crude and hastily adopted notions, and must strengthen himself, by something of an errort— Sir John Herschel
— Grove's Address to the British Association for the Advancement of Science
J.A. Seiss“A Miracle in Stone." Was he accurate?
Compare his image to that on Wikipedia.
“The dark square toward the top (U) indicates an imaginary room which is believed to exist, but not yet discovered." (pg. 16)
What does Wikipedia say? In 2017, scientists from the ScanPyramids project discovered a large cavity above the Grand Gallery using muon radiography, which they called the "ScanPyramids Big Void". Key was a research team under Professor Morishima Kunihiro from Nagoya University that used special nuclear emulsion detectors.[159][160] Its length is at least 30 metres (98 ft) and its cross-section is similar to that of the Grand Gallery. Its existence was confirmed by independent detection with three different technologies: nuclear emulsion films, scintillator hodoscopes, and gas detectors.[161][162] The purpose of the cavity is unknown and it is not accessible. ()
Another example:
“Above this room are shown what are called the chambers of construction, indicating how the builders arranged to keep the weight of the superincumbent mass from crushing in the ceiling of the King's Chamber, which ceiling consists of nine powerful blocks of granite, stretching from one side to the other." (pg. 17)
“They were presumably intended to safeguard the King's Chamber from the possibility of the roof collapsing under the weight of stone above, hence they are referred to as "Relieving Chambers".
“the father of history," Herodotus, in 400BC) that the current knowledge must answer to the wealth of study from the past.
Shouldn't we be asking some grand questions?
Why was this built?
When was this built?
Who built this?
Our theory shall be:
The Egyptians didn't build the great pyramid
Those who built it were men who had a relationship with Almighty God
The design came from God
It serves as a memorial to fixed truth in the universe“truth" that changes with the wind.
The pyramid displays a cosmological knowledge that could have only come by revelation.
THE PYRAMID WAS DESIGNED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF GOD and it therefore is God's revelation of the physical universe.
As the Tabernacle is to heaven, so the pyramid is to earth.
A model by which to understand our physical universe.
The pyramid is the geometric skeleton of the universe.
As with any theory, we shall test it. But we shall also accept it if found to be true.
We will focus on the Great Pyramid of Gizeh.
It is the oldest.
It is the best.
It is the only architecture in history in which ALL LATER ATTEMPTS ARE INFERIOR. Why is this true?
“modern" times was the interior discovered. 825AD.
“door" to the passageways was built over by the original. Covered up. Therefore the copyists could copy the outside but not the inside. And no other pyramid has this copy of the inside (and only poorly does the outside).
Note: this is to the upper interior. The lower interior was open and could be copied.
Session 2 -- The Pyramid as a Type
The Pyramid of Giza stands alone in its features.
It stands as a skeleton, type, or model.
It serves to give us God's revelation of the physical world.
A pyramid is not a useful building.
Due to weight, very little internal space can be formed.
No evidence whatsoever that this was a burial chamber.
“triplicity" in the universe. What about the pyramid?
Axis -- straight line through poles upon which all other rotates or is built
The pyramid has 4 triangles around the axis
But the earth is a sphere!
The Axis is 232.52 cubits. That's an odd number. Why?
If the length of the side is doubled and divided by the height:
Then divided by the height:
3.14159 = π
Π = the ratio of the circumference of a circle to the diameter of the circle.
The perimeter of the pyramid is 365.24x4=1460.96
What would the circumference of a circle for a radius of 232.52 be?
What happened: the architect squared the circle. The perimeter of the square equals the circumference of the circle with the same radius.
“*π. In 1882, it was proven that this figure cannot be constructed in a finite *number of steps with an idealized compass and straightedge."
Other numbers:
5 corners: 4 equal and 1 unique
5 sides: 4 equal (TRIANGLES) and 1 unique (square base)
5+5 makes 10.
The word Pyramid is not Egyptian.
Daniel peres -- divide. Met = 10 ….peresmet
“a division of 10.
A division of 10 denotes FIVENESS
The fiveness of the pyramid
5x5 masonry bases up the pyramid (now seen, originally covered) is the level of the Queen's chambers.
Everything in the queen's chamber has a measurement of 5x5
5x5 more (10x5 from the base) we have the King's chamber
Walls have 125 stones (25x5) stones in 5 horizontal lines
“coffer" that is 5 stones, and the room is 10x5 the size of the coffer
The fiveness of the Word and the World
…limbs end in 5
5 books of Moses, a pattern seen through scripture
10 commandments
The diameter of the earth at the poles: 500,000,000 inches
More later about inches to the pyramid
The nineness
For every 9 feet up the side, the pyramid rises 10 feet. 9:10
At noon the sun shines on 9 of its 10 parts (sides and corners)
The vertical height of the pyramid, multiplied by 10^9th = 91,840,000 --the mean distance of the sun to the earth.
Does this give a standard of measure?
They didn't use the English system.
The French revolution:
Replace religion with philosophy and liberty
Replace hereditary weights and measures.
They created an entirely new scheme: the Meter
From the meridian at Paris, divided by 10,000,000 = 39.371 inches [CHECK THIS]
Totally arbitrary.
Totally Parisian
Could it be that the French wanted to erase a system of measures that came from God?
Not any noble science. Arbitrary units. Get rid of Biblical measures.
A curved line at an arbitrary point on the earth rather than something straight and uniform to all places.
“fake science."
Wouldn't a universal standard testified by nature be better?
For example: 1/ten-millionth the axis of the earth. (proposed in 1795)
This is the same for everyone
This is the base line of all the physical realm of the earth
The earth is 500,500,000 inches in diameter pole to pole
500million = 1 (500,500,000 = 1.001)
If we round out the .001, that is the difference between the Pyramid inch and the English inch.
We would expect then some longer unit of measure. But what?
Five seems as a base. What if we did 5x5=25?
The longer unit would be 25 inches (English) or 25.025 without rounding.
It is guessed at 18, with little to go on.
Could the pyramid actually be telling us what the biblical measurement is?
The cubit is the 10 millionth part of the axis.
“inch" is the 500 millionth part of the axis.
***Sir Isaac Newton wrote: A Dissertation upon the Sacred Cubit of the Jews and the Cubits of the several Nations*. In it he determined a cubit was between 23.3 and 27.9 inches, and his mean average was 25.07 inches.
**“usually understood as deriving from the width of the human thumb."
Why don't they ever mention the pyramid?
Because it would make a reasonable standard.
The metric system would have to be abolished. (Since the 1950s, the inch has been based on the metric system, 25.4 mm).
The ancient knowledge of the builders of the pyramid would have to be acknowledged.
**An Almighty Architect that knew and understood the earth fully would have to be recognized.
What about the measurement of days?
The axis as a measurement of length makes sense.
But since the axis of the earth is that upon which the earth rotates for days, could the pyramid let us know the length of a day, year, etc.?
Each side of the pyramid is 365.2422 cubits -- the exact length of a solar year.
What about weight?
Could the pyramid weigh the earth?
The pyramid is one-thousand billionth of the earth's weight
The coffer holds 71,250 cubic pyramid inches. With specific calculations, it measures out exactly the weight of the earth. Using the 1/25th of a cubit standard, the 1 cubic inch of water multiplied by 25 equals the English pound.
Exodus 25:10 -- 2.5 cubits long, 1.5 cubits wide, 1.5 cubits high.
The coffer inside is the exact same measurement.
…but sealed.
How do they come up with the same measurements?
If God gave the dimensions for one, what about for the other?
Furthermore, the Laver of the tabernacle held the same amount in cubic inches as the coffer.
Solomon's laver (molten sea) was 50 times this, making it exactly the capacity of the Kings' chamber.
The pyramid is on the 30th latitude, half-way between the equator and the north pole.
This area closely approaches the mean temperature of the inhabited earth.
The temperature witin the pyramid is always exactly 1/5th the distance from freezing to boiling (68 degrees).
If you take this 1/5th spot and divide by 50 (the dimensions“room temp"would“pyramid" degrees").
250 (boiling) x 4 (“red hot").
1000 (boiling) x 5 (corners) = 5000 -- white heat (platinum melts).
Just think how easy temperature would be if we used God's measuring system!
“earth-based" measures of length, weight, capacity, and heat.
The pyramid naturally breaks things into 5s and 10s.
What the metric system wanted to do was make measurement easier and standardized. BUT it did it based on a godless whim.
“metric" system based on the earth's axis.