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by Randy White Ministries Sunday, Sep 15, 2024

A PDF outline is available here: https://humble-sidecar-837.notion.site/Handouts-4ced07fd7e864cb8ab2d7144c53b6129?pvs=4

Why? | Dr. Randy White
Session 8 | Why Are Some People King James Version Only? (Part 1)

Overview of the KJV Only Position

· KJV Onlyism: belief that the King James Version is the only valid English Bible.

· Modern translations seen as corrupted, untrustworthy, and unreliable.

· Rooted in a high view of Scripture and the doctrine of preservation.

What Is the Movement?

· KJV as the Word of God for English speakers, not just one translation among many.

· Rejection of modern versions like NIV, ESV, NASB for altering doctrine and removing vital passages.

The KJV as the Only Valid English Bible

· Belief that the KJV is divinely preserved and free from error.

· Modern translations considered spiritually hazardous.

A High View of Scripture and Preservation

· Conviction that the KJV represents God's preserved Word.

· Abandoning the KJV is seen as compromising the integrity of the Bible.

Commitment to the Authority of Scripture

· KJV serves as the foundation of faith for adherents.

· Evangelism and preaching are fueled by loyalty to the KJV.

The Doctrine of Preservation

  • God has preserved His Word perfectly through history, culminating in the KJV.

  • Preservation is not an abstract theological concept, but a tangible reality in the KJV.

Preservation vs. Inspiration

  • Emphasis on God preserving His Word, not just inspiring it.

  • KJV seen as the culmination of divine preservation.

Preservation as a Tangible Reality

  • The KJV is viewed as the embodiment of God's promise to keep His Word intact.

KJV Only vs. KJV Preferred

  • Overview of the varying levels of loyalty to the KJV within Christian communities.

KJV Only

  • KJV is the only legitimate Bible.

  • All other translations seen as dangerous and corrupt.

KJV Superior

  • KJV preferred for its textual foundation and theological accuracy.

  • Other translations viewed as inferior but not entirely rejected.

KJV Preferred

  • KJV respected for historical importance and literary quality.

  • Modern translations allowed for study, understanding, and teaching.

Historical Context

  • For nearly 300 years, the KJV was the definitive English Bible.

  • New translations like the English Revised Version (1881) and American Standard Version (1901) challenged its dominance.

Early Roots of KJV Onlyism in the 19th and Early 20th Century

  • Emerged in reaction to textual criticism and the discovery of new manuscripts.

  • Modern translations viewed as a departure from the trusted Textus Receptus.

Emergence of Preservationism

  • Defense of the KJV as God’s preserved Word, rejecting modern scholarship and translations.

Benjamin G. Wilkinson

  • Argued that the KJV was the culmination of God’s preserved Word, rejecting modern texts as corrupt.

Edward F. Hills

  • Theological framework for KJV preservation, aligning it with divinely preserved Scripture.

David Otis Fuller

  • Popularized the idea that the KJV represents God’s perfectly preserved Word.

Emergence of the Doctrine of Preservation in the Context of KJV Onlyism

  • Belief that God preserved the KJV as the divinely authorized Bible for English speakers.

Rise of KJV Onlyism in Fundamentalist Circles

  • During the 1960s and 70s, KJV became a symbol of doctrinal purity, particularly among Independent Baptist churches.

Pastor Jack Hyles

  • Prominent figure who emphasized the KJV as foundational to faith and separation from liberalism.

Dr. Peter Ruckman

  • Advocated for "double inspiration," believing the KJV to be re-inspired by God and superior to the original manuscripts.

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