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by Randy White Ministries Sunday, Sep 22, 2024

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Why? | Dr. Randy White

Session 9 | Why Are Some People King James Version Only? (Part 2)

Overview of KJV Only Beliefs

Preservation of the "Pure" Word of God:

Belief that the King James Version preserves the "pure" Word of God, ensuring its uncorrupted accuracy based on divine preservation. Modern translations are rejected for relying on what are viewed as flawed critical texts.

Those who hold the KJV Only position are to be commended for their adherents to a doctrine of preservation. Few evangelicals ever stop to think about it, and few will contend with translations that are clearly divergent from the majority.

Inspiration and Inerrancy of the KJV:

Some within the KJV Only movement believe in "double inspiration," asserting that the KJV is not only an accurate translation but also an inspired, inerrant text in its own right. Other translations are seen as compromising God's truth.

Not all KJV Only adherents hold the double inspiration view. Some would attribute it to providence rather than direct intervention. In my view, everyone needs to deal with the matter of whether we actually have an inerrant copy of the Word of God, and how we got it.

Theological and Doctrinal Integrity:

Modern translations are criticized for distorting essential Christian doctrines by altering or omitting significant passages. The KJV is viewed as protecting the integrity of key doctrines such as the deity of Christ and the Trinity.

In my view, anyone who claims that there are no doctrinal differences between versions is simply parroting rather than being well-versed in the translations.

Critiques of the KJV Only Position

Negative Stance Toward Biblical Languages:

KJV Only advocates often reject the use of Hebrew and Greek in favor of the KJV's English text. This is seen as reactionary, fearing that original languages are misused to undermine biblical clarity.

My personal experience is that the use of Biblical languages led me to the KJV.

For example, NASB is often touted as “the most literal,” yet hundreds (thousands?) of times it has footnotes like the following from Matthew 2:

1. So 1Joseph got up and took the Child and His mother while it was still night, and left for Egypt.

1 Lit he

15 He 1remained there until the death of Herod.

1 Lit was

These seemingly unimportant footnotes, en masse, align with the Greek. By using the Greek I began to notice that the KJV always uses the literal. Therefore, if I want “the most literal,” NASB was certainly not the place to be.

Vitriolic Fervor:

Some within the KJV Only movement adopt a combative approach, alienating fellow Christians and creating division rather than fostering respectful dialogue about translation issues.

My view: The KJV Only movement has some strong and viable arguments. They should argue them on merit, not on vitriol.

Difficult Double Standard:

The belief in "double inspiration" raises a theological inconsistency, as most KJV Only advocates also reject ongoing supernatural revelation, yet they claim divine intervention in the creation of the KJV.

A Word of Appreciation for KJV Only Advocates

  • Commitment to Accuracy: KJV Only advocates are deeply committed to the integrity of Scripture and defend what they believe is the most faithful translation of God's Word. This passion is commendable, as they push back against a culture that often downplays the significance of translation differences.

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