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by Randy White Ministries Sunday, Jun 5, 2022

All The Mysteries of the Bible

What Is A Biblical Mystery…And Why They Matter

  • A Biblical mystery is that which can only be known by revelation.

    • An example: Daniel 2:19-23 (and beyond).

    • It differs from inspiration in that inspiration is the force of God that caused an accurate record of God's activity with man and all other matters recorded in Scripture. Inspiration allows us to know creation, history, doctrine, and more, but these could be discovered by research if the tools were available. A mystery could never be discovered by research.

    • It differs from prophecy in that prophecy is a revelation of future events while mystery is the revelation of the current state of affairs (during the timeframe of the mystery).

  • Biblical mysteries are important because they are the basic building blocks of a Biblical worldview. Without them, the structure of world and spiritual order would be unknown to us.

The Biblical Mysteries, In Biblical Order

  • The Mystery of the Times of the Gentiles - Daniel 2:28, 36-45

    • This mystery takes us from the time of Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon until the establishment of the Kingdom of God.

    • A large part of our eschatology is built on this mystery.

    • It is set apart from prophecy because it is the singular prophecy under which we are living today (all other prophecies being fulfilled or future).

  • The mystery of the Kingdom -- Matthew 13:10-11, 34-35

    • Each of the parables of Jesus revealed something unknown about the coming Kingdom to the apostles.

    • When Jesus spoke in parables, He was always speaking about the Kingdom.

  • The mystery of the blindness of Israel - Romans 11:25

    • This explains why Israel, nationally, has never recognized her Messiah.

    • This blindness is in part, that is, it will not be forever.

    • The blindness will end with the fulness of the Gentiles. That is, the conclusion of the times of the Gentiles, as revealed in Daniel 2 (see also Lk. 21:24).

  • The mystery given to Paul - Rom. 16:25-26, 1 Cor. 2:7-10, Eph 3:1-9, Eph 6:19, Col. 1:26ff, 2:2, 4:3 (of Christ), 1 Tim 3:9 (of the faith).

    • This is the mystery under which we live.

    • When we speak of being right dividers, we are speaking of the importance of understanding this mystery.

    • Here, and here alone, is found salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, without works of any kind.

  • The mystery of Israel's experiences as typology - 1 Corinthians 10:1-12

    • This mystery is for those upon whom the ends of the world are come (v. 11), which is not those of us living today since the ends come after our age ceases.

    • This mystery will give Israel the insight and strength to endure to the end and be saved.

  • The mystery of Israel's transformation - 1 Corinthians 15:50-52

    • I am convinced that this is not about the rapture, but about Israel's transformation at the last trump (v. 50).

    • It is similar to the rapture, but not the* same*.

  • The mystery of the fullness of times - Ephesians 1:9-10

    • According to Hebrews 2:8, we are not yet in this dispensation.

    • It is revealed to us that someday every person and power will be in subjection to Jesus Christ.

  • The mystery of marriage - Ephesians 5:31-32

    • Without the Scriptures, we would assume two to be two. With the Scriptures and this mystery revealed, we know two to be one.

    • This was a mystery revealed in Genesis 2:24 but not called a mystery until Ephesians 5:32.

  • The mystery of the dead in Christ - 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

    • Without this revelation, we would be ignorant (v. 13) as to how the Pauline mystery would come to a conclusion.

    • With the mystery, we have blessed hope (Titus 2:13) of the body of Christ.

  • The mystery of iniquity - 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7

    • If the antichrist is currently withheld and not revealed* *(v. 6), then why is there such iniquity today?

    • Because there is one who letteth…until he be taken out of the way (v. 7). That is, someday Satan will be arrested, chained, and will not be allowed to perform his deception any longer.

  • The mystery of Godliness - 1 Timothy 3:16

    • Morality is based on God's character and revelation and is unknown apart from a knowledge of God.

  • The mystery of the seven stars and candlesticks-- Revelation 1:20

    • “research" to find out what these symbols meant.

    • Though this is a simple mystery, it displays the meaning of mystery very well.

  • The mystery of God - Revelation 10:7

    • This mystery was previously declared to his servants the prophets and presumably recorded by them. It is likely the mystery of the tribulation.

  • Mystery Babylon - Revelation 17:5, 7ff, 18

  • Mystery Babylon is revealed in verse 18 as that great city, which requires a resurrection of the city of Babylon.

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