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by Randy White Ministries Sunday, Jul 31, 2022

Why Was There A Virgin Birth?

*Because You Asked -- Sermon 25*

The Virgin Birth: An (Almost) Universal Christian Belief

  • In virtually all circles of Christianity, the virgin birth is accepted as reality, being clearly presented in the two Gospels which present anything“scholarly." To deny the virgin birth requires a denial of the Scripture as the literal and preserved Word of God.

    “Why" Of Virgin Birth: An (Almost) Universal Christian Defense

  • “orthodox" reason for the virgin birth is invariably attached to the issue of original sin, a Catholic doctrine adopted into Protestantism by default. The doctrine presupposes that Adam's sin caused a change of nature in humanity that removed him from the ability to respond to God and any gospel God may offer.

  • Since every person after Adam had this new nature of guilt, no man could be the Savior of mankind, each being guilty by nature. Therefore, God chose to send His Son by means of a virgin birth to bypass the sin nature.

  • This, of course, requires the presupposition that the sinful nature is only passed through the father to the children, and not to the mother.

  • The Examples

    • “Joseph the carpenter did not pass on his sinful nature to Jesus for the simple reason that Joseph was not the father."

    • “If Jesus had a human father, then He would have inherited a sinful nature as the rest of us have."

    • “The virgin birth circumvented the transmission of the sin nature and allowed the eternal God to become a perfect man."

    • “The fundamental need was found in the nature of the human race. Every normal, human birth produces another sinner, just as Adam, as sinner, produced a race of sinners."

    • “If he were born of two human parents, it is very difficult to conceive how he could have been exempted from the guilt of Adam's sin and become a new head to the human race."

    • “Sinful heredity is transmitted through the blood and not through the flesh. Even though Jesus, therefore, received His flesh, His body from a sinful race, He could still be sinless as long as not a drop blood of this sinful race entered His veins. God must find a way whereby Jesus could be perfectly human according to the flesh and yet not have the blood of sinful humanity. That was the problem solved by the virgin birth."

  • Is There Any Evidence That Blood Comes Only From The FAther?

Physiologically, there are two problems with the theological theory. First, both parents contribute to the creation of blood within a baby.“Each biological parent donates one of their two ABO alleles to their child." Second, while both parents donate an ABO allele to their baby, the baby makes 100% of its blood on its own. It is neither the Father's blood nor the mothers. One of the chief purposes of the placenta is to guard against blood transference between mother and baby (which can be deadly for both).
  • If the physiological premise upon which the theological premise is built is flawed, then the theological premise is flawed as well.

The Real Reason For The Virgin Birth

  • If the purpose of the virgin birth is not to avoid original sin, then what is it? In short, it is this: mankind does not save Himself, but God is His only source of salvation.

  • Even if we were without sin, what would we do to save ourselves? While our nature was not changed with Adam's sin, our location was changed. We are helplessly removed from God, dependent upon Him to come to us.

  • So God did come to us. He was made flesh and dwelt among us (Jn. 1:14). Because of this we have received of all His fulness (Jn. 1:16). He has given us the greatest gift now in paying the wages of sin which is death (Rom. 6:23). This is a payment which we could never pay, for we are hopelessly separated from God and cannot restore the relationship. What we cannot do, God did, by sending His Son.

Why the virgin birth? Because God wanted to come dwell with us as one of us. Jesus was God in the flesh, not the son of Joseph.

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